Tour de Tavern

Public Group



  • Linda's Tavern (map)

    Tour de Tavern 🚲🍺🚲 Just the beer light to guide us... A ~monthly-to-bi-weekly bike ride to some bars Tuesday - 1/21 - meet 6:30pm - @Linda's Rolling at 7:07pm sharp Visiting: Loretta's Northwesterner & Jules Mae's Saloon Stopping at each spot for ~45min Then returning to Linda's... read more

    Public Ride
    Adults only (21+) (drinking or other adult activities (nudity, etc))
    Steady (12-14 mph)
    8-15 miles
    Some hills (A few short, steep hills, some moderate upgrades and/or longer gentle climbs)
    Stay together
    Ice/snow cancels
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