Jill A

Jill A


Hoping to start three rides:

🌲Cyclocrush Woodland Park Cyclocross and gravel from Woodland Park to Ravenna Park. 32+ tires advised. https://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/4750783594

🤘🏼NO HATERZ RIDE Social - stay posi! Dusk Ride at a conversational pace. Interurban North from Woodland Park. We don't usually go to bars. Got kids? Bring em. https://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/3494463982

☠ALLEYRATS townie smash Ballard/Fremont/Wallingford/Greenlake/U-district. Follow the leader, no route, no drop! Uptempo, racy, improvisational. Maybe bars.


Not hosting any upcoming public events

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