Ilana Holmes

Ilana Holmes



  • Swift Social Ride
    Peloton Cafe (map)

    Come on out for this special "May the 4th be with you" social ride co-hosted by Swift's very own Jason Goodman and Beija Flor. Meet at 9 at Peloton Cafe. Ride leaves promptly at 10 AM. Ride will be a sociably paced 15 miles. We'll have a little... read more

    Public Ride
    Leisurely (10-12 mph)
    15+ miles
    Some hills (A few short, steep hills, some moderate upgrades and/or longer gentle climbs)
    Occasional regroups
    Ice/snow cancels
Everyday Rides is a free service built for the community with donated time. Please consider supporting the site. β€οΈπŸ«ΆπŸ’–