Swift Industries

Swift Industries


Dirt Bags (we sew ‘em): @swiftindustries Dirt Roads (come with): @swiftadventureco Drop By: @swift_headquarters Made in Seattle #northwestxnature builtbyswift.com


  • Temple Bakery (map)

    The Swift Social Ride series is a time on bike to be social, meet new friends, chit-chat with old ones. We re-group regularly in safe stopping points. Often time you'll find us navigating short gravel cuts through the city. While we don't drop folks we also don't keep track... read more

    Public Ride
    Leisurely (10-12 mph)
    15+ miles
    Some hills (A few short, steep hills, some moderate upgrades and/or longer gentle climbs)
    Occasional regroups
    Ice/snow cancels
Everyday Rides is a free service built for the community with donated time. Please consider supporting the site. ❤️🫶💖