


Founded in 2012, The Polka Dot Jersey has a focus on group rides, craft builds, local PNW brands, and fostering community through cycling.

We are stoked on ANY bike that you have! Our crew is extremely well versed in a myriad of genres! We can handle anything from rebuilding your Fox 38 to spec’ing and building custom tandems and everything in between.

Stop in, call, fax, page us, send us a MySpace message, email, or write us a letter anytime. We love to talk about anything bike related and hear about what your next adventure is!


  • Tokul lower parking lot (map)

    Come have a fun ride with the PDJ crew. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided as usual. This time we will be ripping the Tokul trails. A lot of work has been done to make sure most of the trails are safe and running. Make sure you buy your... read more

    Public Ride
    Off-road (Significant unpaved sections)
    Frequent regroups
    Ice/snow cancels
Everyday Rides is a free service built for the community with donated time. Please consider supporting the site. ❤️🫶💖